The A.D.mission is the official newsletter of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) below you can find the timetable for article submission
Below is the time-table for article submission for the ADmission VIAAA Newsletter.
Articles should be sent in a timely manner to Richard Farquarson at Any questions or concerns can be directed to the VIAAA Publications Chairs – Richard Farquarson – or Greg Mullins, CAA -
Articles can be in any of the following formats:
- Ideas That Work: Single ideas, tips or suggestions that can enhance the efficiency of day-to-day practices for athletic administrators.
- ADvice: A short, approximately one-page article focused on a contemporary issue or trend. Usually, less than 1000 words.
- Books/Podcast/Who to Follow: suggestions for helpful/useful books for ADs to read or Podcast to subscribe/listen to, or good individuals to follow on Twitter.
- Best Practices: segment involving helpful and time-tested processes, checklists and practical information that proves to be foundational to the role of the athletic administrator.
- Feature Articles: Typically, a four- or five-page, double-spaced article. Usually, 1500 words or more.
Remember- Recertification Points should be available for publishing an article in a State Newsletter. Additionally, article submission will also earn points toward the CAA
Upcoming Dates for 2022-23 Publications
Fall 2022 - Issue #1
- Articles Due: September 8th
- Publication Date: September 22nd
- FALL ADmission Link
Winter 22-23 - Issue #2
- Articles Due: November 1st
- Publication Date November 15th
- WINTER ADmission Link
Spring 23 - Issue #3
- Articles Due: February 16th
- Publication Date March 2nd
- SPRING ADmission Link
The links listed below are archived copies of our organization's publication, A.D.mission.