Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) - A.D.mission - Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) - A.D.mission
Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association



The A.D.mission is the official newsletter of the Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) below you can find the timetable for article submission

Below is the time-table for article submission for the ADmission VIAAA Newsletter.
Articles should be sent in a timely manner to Richard Farquarson at  Any questions or concerns can be directed to the VIAAA Publications Chairs – Richard Farquarson – or Greg Mullins, CAA -

Articles can be in any of the following formats:

  1. Ideas That Work:  Single ideas, tips or suggestions that can enhance the efficiency of day-to-day practices for athletic administrators.
  2. ADvice: A short, approximately one-page article focused on a contemporary issue or trend. Usually, less than 1000 words.
  3. Books/Podcast/Who to Follow:  suggestions for helpful/useful books for ADs to read or Podcast to subscribe/listen to, or good individuals to follow on Twitter.
  4. Best Practices: segment involving helpful and time-tested processes, checklists and practical information that proves to be foundational to the role of the athletic administrator. 
  5. Feature Articles: Typically, a four- or five-page, double-spaced article. Usually, 1500 words or more.

Remember- Recertification Points should be available for publishing an article in a State Newsletter.  Additionally, article submission will also earn points toward the CAA

Upcoming Dates for 2022-23 Publications


Fall 2022 - Issue #1

Winter 22-23 - Issue #2

Spring 23 - Issue #3


The links listed below are archived copies of our organization's publication, A.D.mission.

Winter 2022 ADmission

Winter 2021 ADmission

Spring 2020 ADmission

Fall 2020 ADmission

Fall 2016

Spring 2016

Winter 2015 - 2016

Fall 2015

Spring 2015

Winter 2014 - 2015

Fall 2014
