VIAAA Awards
VIAAA Athletic Administrator of the Year (Nominations kept for 3 years) Due to VIAAA Past-President or Designee by December 1st.
1A/2A - 3A/4A - 5A/6A - Independent School
VIAAA Middle School Athletic Administrator Recognition of Service Award (Nominations kept for 3 years) Completed nomination packets are due to VIAAA Past-President or Designee by December 1st.
VIAAA Career Awards/Retiring ADs - For years of service as an Athletic Administrator. Any Athletic Administrator that will be retiring at the end of the school year. Must be a current, active VIAAA/NIAAA Member. (Credit years as AD if out-of-state or non-public school). All forms are submitted to the VIAAA Awards Chairperson (Chris Rollison, CAA – by February 1st.
VIAAA Distinguished Service Award - (Outside the field of athletic administration given to anyone who has made significant contributions to athletics - list name and school nominated). Due to VIAAA Past-President or Designee by December 1st.
VIAAA Scholarships - One student per school per scholarship. Athletic Administrator MUST be an active VIAAA/NIAAA Member.
John C. Youngblood Scholarship - Four $1500 scholarships given.
Claudia Dodson Scholarship - One $1500 scholarship given.
Past Presidents Leadership Award Scholarship - One $1500 scholarship given.
All Scholarship Applications are due to the Scholarship Chairperson by December 1st
VHSL SMAC Larry Johnson (Athletic Trainer) Award - The Larry Johnson VHSL-SMAC Award was created to honor Larry Johnson, and to recognize individuals who emulate many of the qualities Mr. Johnson demonstrated in his long years of service to the young athletes in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This award is meant to recognize an individual in any discipline involved with interscholastic athletics who has gone the extra mile to enhance the health, safety, fun, participation equity and sportsmanship for student athletes in Virginia. Nomination forms due to Chris Robinson, CAA at the VHSL by December 1st. Award winners will be recognized at the VIAAA State Conference Awards Banquet.
Speciality Awards (Not Presented Every Year) (All forms are due to the VIAAA Past-President or Designee NO LATER THAN December 1st):
Appreciation Plaque
Retiring Board of Directors' Award (Must have served at least two years)
Retiring from VHSL Executive Committee Award
John C. Youngblood Award of Excellence (Non-VIAAA Member/Non-AD) - Non-Member who has contributed to the leadership and service beyond specified duties to Athletic Administration and to the VIAAA,
John C. Youngblood Award of Merit (VIAAA Member) - Member who has contributed to the leadership and service beyond specified duties to Athletic Administration and to the VIAAA.
Honorary Lifetime Membership - Anyone who has made significant contributions to the VIAAA (All Past-Presidents are automatically granted this honor).
Outstanding Service Award - Presented to someone in the VIAAA who has made significant contributions to Athletic Administration and/or the VIAAA.
VHSL Hall of Fame Nomination Form (Must Complete Separate VHSL Nomination Packet) - Made significant contributions to Athletic Administration and the VHSL.
Special Award - Special recognition as deemed necessary by the VIAAA Board of Directors or Past Presidents Council.
NIAAA Career Awards - Must have been a member of the NIAAA for 15, 20, 25, 30 years. Submit name/school to NIAAA Liaison
NIAAA Distinguished Service Award (Within the Field of Athletic Administration) - NIAAA Member in recognition for length of service, special accomplishments and contributions to athletic admin at the local, state, and national levels. Nominations taken at the VIAAA BOD Meeting in November; Select one name at January BOD Meeting.
NIAAA State Award of Merit - Virginia Athletic Administrator who distinguishes him/herself through outstanding leadership and service to the association and is a member of VIAAA Board of Directors and NIAAA Member and has not received this award previously. This award cannot be given to the current AD of the Year. Nominations taken at the VIAAA BOD Meeting in November; Select one name at January BOD Meeting.
NIAAA Federation Citation - Given for outstanding contributions to VIAAA, NIAAA, and local organizations - nomination forwarded to NIAAA. Federation Citation and is a member of VIAAA Board of Directors and NIAAA Member and has not received this award previously. Nominations taken at the VIAAA BOD Meeting in November; Select one name at January BOD Meeting.
NIAAA Frank Kovaleski Award Nomination - Significant contributions and demonstrated excellence in professional development at local, state, and national levels. Nomination forwarded to NIAAA Section II Selection Committee. Nominations taken at the VIAAA BOD Meeting in November; Select one name at January BOD Meeting.
NIAAA Hall of Fame - Retired Athletic Administrator who had an exemplary career in athletic administration both prior to as well as after the formation of the NIAAA. Nomination forwarded to NIAAA. Nominations taken at the VIAAA BOD Meeting in November; Select one name at January BOD Meeting.