Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) - CAA Exam - Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (VIAAA) - CAA Exam
Virginia Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association


CAA Exam

Upcoming opportunities to take the CAA exam in the Commonwealth of Virginia 2024


  • To be announced

For more info, please contact Jeff Dietze:  

Remember to qualify for your CAA Exam –

  • you will need a minimum of two years on the job by the month of the exam (if you served as an Assistant prior to your current position – if a full-time Athletic Administrator - you may use that time as part of your two years). 
  • Obtain the CAA Worksheet to see if you have enough points in the other categories (PLEASE reach out to anyone with their CAA or our Professional Development Committee for help with the worksheet as there are A LOT of things you will forget about that will qualify in getting you points, so we are more than happy to help you with this). 

Here are the steps that you need to take to get ready to take the exam:

  • Head to and log-in and look at your Transcript
    • You should have completed LTC501, 502, 503, 504 & 506 (If not, you are able to take online through the NIAAA -
      • Click on LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSES and sign-up for what you need.
  • Once you have ensured you have all the courses and have all the points, you will submit your PDF ( and pay for your CAA Exam (at least 15 days prior to the exam date) (remember you get 50% of this fee back from the VIAAA after you pass).  At the bottom of this page under “Quick Links” is the Exam Schedule, you can see when exams are being offered.
  • You will then receive confirmation you are signed up and start studying [study the Code of Ethics, the US Constitutional Amendments (stuff from your Legal Courses), how many Sections are in the NIAAA, etc.]
  • RELAX and take your exam!  You’ve got this – we are all here for you!

If you have any questions about the certification process you can contact -
